Boxing PT in Hackney



Invest in yourself by investing in your health

Personal training offers endless advantages that can significantly improve your life and overall health. It's also one of the best and quickest ways to reach your target. Coaches at our boxing gym in Hackney tailor sessions specifically to your goals, needs, and abilities all the while introducing variety into your workouts, keeping them interesting and preventing plateaus in your progress.

Book a personal training session at our boxing gym in Hackney here.

Our seasoned personal trainers have dedicated their lives to the art of boxing and the science of training. With a wealth of experience to draw on from training thousands of people, from weekend warriors all the way up to professional, amateur and white-collar boxers, our team's passion is undeniable.

What truly sets us apart, however, is our beliefs in the synergy of mental and physical training. True boxing greatness requires not only physical prowess, but the mental fortitude to keep your head down, stay focused and keep going when your body wants to give up.

In addition, knowing that you have a scheduled session with a coach will help you stay committed to your fitness routine. It's harder to skip a workout when someone is expecting you. Whether you're new to boxing, a seasoned pro or just aiming for specific milestone, personal training is a surefire way to fast-track your progress.

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Sweeney's Boxing Ltd

Unit 35

1A Downs Road



E5 8QJ

Sweeney's Boxing is a boxing gym in Hackney which offers a mixture of technique-focused drilling and fitness-focused training.

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